Tuesday, 11 October 2011

That Very Same Day!

The same day that the Lord saved me from the accident I found myself in hospital with one of our babies, Hannah. I know I probably shouldn’t have favourites but she definitely has stolen my heart. Hannah’s mom is a 15 year old girl who was orphaned. She got pregnant by her boyfriend who then ran away and left her alone. So we took her in while she was pregnant and supported her during her pregnancy. After she gave birth, she went back to school at Sandra Jones School and Hannah stayed with us and the other babies. Hannah’s 6 months old now and just the most precious little girl ever!

Well, that particular evening Hannah choked on her porridge and stopped breathing. I was the only one in the office (I had stayed behind for some unknown reason... but obviously the Lord knew why I stayed until 5 instead of leaving at 4) with the house mothers at the time, so I immediately jumped in the car & drove her to the Emergency Room. The mothers were hysterical and all I could do was pray in tongues the whole way to the hospital. By the time we got there everyone had calmed down but Hannah still wasn't breathing. We rushed in and handed her to the nurses on duty. They were not very hopeful when we arrived because it had probably been over 4 minutes since she’d stopped breathing. 

After minutes of pacing the hospital corridor praying in the Spirit... I finally heard Hannah cry! Tears of joy came streaming down our faces and I could see the relief in the mothers' faces. They managed, miraculously, to resuscitate her and suction all the porridge out of her lungs. But because the porridge did get into her lungs, this has somewhat weakened her lungs. I spent the night in ICU with her, where she had all manner of tubes stuck to her and she was very uncomfortable. She cried all through the night and eventually fell asleep at 8am as I was leaving to go home and sleep! She’s much better now although she’s still got a wee cough.

That night as I held Hannah in my arms and tried to lull her to sleep as she cried & cried, the Lord showed me something. For little Hannah it didn’t make sense why she had to have all those tubes and injections. It was painful and uncomfortable – she just wanted it all off her. But what she didn’t realise was that it was all for her good. In the long run it would make her better. And as I held her and cradled her in my arms I saw the Lord. Sometimes we go through difficult, tough situations and it hurts and we just want it to be over. So we kick and we scream and we fight it but the Lord allows it because He knows it’s for our good. He knows the growth it will bring in us, He knows how it will cause us to depend more on Him, He knows we need it. So He takes us through the fire but the whole time He cradles us in His arms, He sings to us and He just loves on us. I was blown away by it because it brought verse that says “He will take you through the fire” alive to me. What a different perspective it brings on the tough things we go through. I’ve known and understood this in my head often but this time the Lord really brought it home for me. So I guess my encouragement is to keep the Lord’s perspective in whatever we go through and to remember that He is our loving Heavenly Father who never causes His child a needless tear.

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